You should have known your Father
when he was a young man, she said...
A fine head of jet black hair
and handsome, oh, he was handsome.
I was only sixteen, her eyes glowed.
we were playing a card game called Pitch.
He looked at me across the table
and something happened.
Your Father could have done anything
if he’d had an education, she said.
The brightest man I’d ever met...
and wise, even when he was young.
I was just a girl, her hand fluttered.
We were walking along a dirt road after dark.
He took my hand and brought it to his heart
and something happened.
Your Father was a man of integrity
and his word was as sure as daylight, she said.
A soft heart that ached for other people...
and gentle as a tender girl, yet he was tough.
I was the one he loved, her breath caught.
We were raising our children and living our lives
and something happened.
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