Hamlet was only half right.
To be or not to be
Is the question
Not so much about self slaughter
As self revelation.
“Tell them everything you know,”
My Father always said,
“And they’ll know more than you do.”
Keep the mystery.
They Can’t take that away from you.
Keep them guessing.
Make them wonder.
Show enough to fascinate.
Tantalize with fleeting glimpses.
Never more than intimate.
1 comment:
"To be or not to be..." I.ve always been a bit of a motormouth spilling all I know. My wife says I can't stand silence, and she's right. Lately, although it's close to being too late I do try to listen more and speak less (although, I realize it's not my style). Ah well. One might as well be one's self! By the way today's red button reminds me of the beginning text I recited to you, Jerral, as we were going to choir last night. "April is in my misstress' face, and July in her grace. But in her heart..." What the hey! spring is here!!
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