Everyday is a celebration and everyday involves us in birthing and dying.....the process stuff of life.
Most important are the choices we make and taking responsibility for these choices.... wherever they lead....
bottom line...our walk is about stewardship...of ourselves, others and mother earth.
Resurrection is not an event...rather a process that we experience every moment...if we notice.
So Easter is not an event to which I pay much attention .....working at dying and birthing seems more central to Christ's walk......it is good to stop and simply say...thanks for all we are and celebrate everyday as if it is second to none.
At our conception, and prior much was put in place to equip each of us to make our walk here...for that let us say thanks...now get on to the choice part and the responsibility part...
Keep sparkling..

1 comment:
Thanks for your poetry, in words and images.
I've been hearing Wendell Berry's "Manifesto: the mad farmer liberation front" in my head since Jim's sermon yesterday. Something about that line: "practice resurrection" is really rich.
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