Wednesday, April 01, 2015

I decided I didn't want to look for ugly picture to match the ugliness of the Indiana and Arkansas attempts to discriminate against LGBT persons.  I like these pictures.  I found them close to home.

Wrapping bigotry in religion only makes it more obviously wrong. True religion, whatever that means, should want above all things to be on the side of right.  Religious robes worn over bigotry don't absolve the wearer from the shame of deliberately inflicting hurt. Bigotry can't be excused by civil law, and politicians who try to legitimize it by passing laws that allow bigots to dehumanize any class or group of people or any individuals are themselves bigots or they are shameless panderers to those who are bigots.  The rush to endorse and promise to sign legislation that at first glimpse seemed to a couple of governors to garner support from their conservative base proved both of them to be panderers. Both are now back-pedaling.  Arkansas Governor Hutchinson (R) had earlier promised to sign the legislation, then changed his tune after he learned that there are more constituents in his state who are not bigots than he had guessed.  Indiana Governor Pence, after being similarly surprised by a national negative response to his legislature's "Religious Freedom Restoration Act," is pleading with lawmakers in his state to undo and rewrite new legislation that would clarify that his law does not grant businesses the right to deny services to anyone. 

How different are religious Americans who pick and choose from the list of prohibitions from their holy writ to incorporate into civil law statutes from ISIS zealots who say they are determined to establish a world-wide caliphate that bring everybody under Sharia law?
A Methodist or Baptist or Catholic Caliphate would be no more appropriate for America than a Sharia-based Calipharte is for the Middle East.  

1 comment:

Unknown said...

These photos are no match for your post, they are wayyyyyyy to cool. Discrimination...not so much.