Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Looking back to a time when I was younger…  I found in a folder of “stuff” I wrote a quarter of a century ago; and thumbing through it, I found a poem I wrote dated Monday, September 16, 1991.  That date was four days after my fifty-sixth birthday.  

No Warranty

The rudest shock of middle age
might have been anticipated
if I had been paying more attention, 
especially when Daddy died
after rotting from the inside with cancer,
and Grannie’s heart stopped one day,
and they were just part of the evidence.
What could I have been thinking
when I looked into Viola’s casket
to see lying there the cold remains
of hot shared adolescent beauty...
or when I read in the paper
about Richard Powel’s not surviving,
the boy who had the gym locker
next to mine all through high school,
even long enough to go to college.
These assembled parts,
this collection of bones and sinew,
blood and other assorted fluids,
this whole complete thing that I am,
this machine that thinks and feels
slipped into general use with no warranty.
Satisfaction is possible
but not guaranteed.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I would to see the amount of folders with your writings in them, it's great, like your poems, that you have them.

Unrelated, I must ask, what kind of bike is pictured there?