Tuesday, April 01, 2014

The day began with my usual walk with Tillie out to Comptche-Ukian Road to get the morning paper.  We saw deer as usual. I finally got a picture of the one that stopped to look back at us before dashing off into the dark forest.

I like lighhouses... and one of my favorites is the Cabrillo Light Station a few miles north of the town of Mendocino on the California Coast.  San Diego has its Cabrillo Light House out on Point Loma, and I like that one, too; but the Cabrillo Light Station up North , built in 1906 after the great earthquake that devastated San Francisco, has strength of character to match its wild, lonely setting.  Because the Pacific off Cape Mendocino was particularly treacherous, the site had been surveyed as early as 1873 for a light station; but until the earthquake leveled most of San Francisco, there wasn’t much demand for anything that had to be brought by ship from the area.  The great redwood forests had what San Francisco needed, a ready supply of wood for rebuilding. 

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