Wednesday, April 02, 2014

First light after the eight minute journey from blazing sun
bathes the pine tree in early morning, and I think how odd
the still-alive-but-dying tree welcomes it, basks in it, and
goes on about it’s business of keeping life alive on earth
even as it dries and hardens, getting ready to fall dead
onto the forest floor spreading the cones with new life
into damp moss and under blooming rhodendron shrubs.

The pine is testimony to the persistence of will to live.
All the younger suppler saplings and graceful adults
put on a few cones... spaced far apart on vibrant limbs;
but the old dying pine in a surge of procreative energy
covers all its upper limbs with clusters of seed cones
investing the very last burst of her energy to ensure life
will sprout from some so she will be alive in them.

Then for more panorama shots with the iPhone abound the Mendocino

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Gorgeous, and that looks like a great walking path by the sea. Enjoy