Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Margaret and I just came into the house from seeing the movie The Great Gatsby.  The F. Scott Fitzgerald story was made into an earlier movie, maybe fifty years ago, and this one was made in 2013 with Leonardo de Caprio as Gatsby.  I recommend it now with at least as much enthusiasm as when I recommended the novel to students in my senior English classes.  We saw it today in the Paradise Village theatre, and I sat wondering how all those (we) older people managed all that sex in a story.  I wonder how my students managed it.  Now I'm going to have to reread the novel to see if it is really as erotic as the movie made four years ago makes it.

I had set out the photo of dried grass to use as my photograph for today, and then I found another photograph that I think serves perfectly with the grass and the movie.  It is Christian Rohfls' nude.  I took this photograph last Friday when Margaret and I were on a docent tour of the museum.  I'm not going to try to explain why I think these two photographs go together with Fitzgerald's story.

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