Thursday, October 13, 2016

Today was my volunteer day at MOPA…  I left the car on Park Boulevard between the Fountain and the Rose Garden.  The weather was perfect… When I came up over the little rise in the lawn to the fountain area, I was surprised to find the area filled with people, most of them students but plenty of older citizens of all completions enjoying the San Diego autumn.  I reminded myself that this is typical San Diego, and that I am very fortunate to live here.  

I walked toward MOPA and snapped three images.  When I got home and downloaded the three pictures to my computer, I was reminded that the pictures were of people I don’t know, and that each of them is a story that I won’t ever know.  I thought as I looked at the pictures of individuals that a writer can look at someone on the street or in a park and can write an entire story about him or her, and that led me to think about a writer like William Faulkner who developed stories about people he imagined, people he created in his mind, and then he set their stories in places he imagined… remarkable.

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