Friday, July 22, 2016

We've just come off three days of the Republican National Convention, the time when the Republican Party selected Donald Trump as its candidate for the November elections.  Mr. Trump announced his choice of individual for Vice President.  Tonight Hillary Clinton announced her choice for Vice President, and he turns out to be someone I don't know personally but is married to someone I do know, the former Anne Holton.  Anne Holton Kaine and Tim Kaine have three children.  Good choice.

This afternoon Nancy and I took a trolley ride down to the Convention Center where Comic Con is in full swing.  Wow!  It's easy not to take about politics in any area where Comic Con is happening.  The sign I liked best is, "Why can't life be like Comic Con?"  After listening to as much of the Republican Convention as I could stomach, I believe the presidential election cycle this year has been too much like Comic Con.  Give us a break, PLEASE.  Next week's Democratic National Convention should be better.  Here's hoping...

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