Thursday, July 28, 2016

A  couple of moments from today that I remember.  First, I am writing this BLOG piece at 8:30 pm after listening to Hillary Clinton make her acceptance speech.  She is not a strong orator.  She is a strong individual whom I trust to be our President.  Her speech was more plodding and straight forward than it was a masterpiece of oratory. She didn't try to be cute.   She is strong.  She has a plan.  I like her.

The second memory for today takes me back to my walk from the little green chevrolet car which I had left on Park Boulevard.  As I came to the wide place in the Park with the fountain in front of the science museum,  a woman, I’m guessing it was a woman, came toward me dressed as if she were in a play or as if she might have been heading to a costume party.  Her head was hidden entirely..  My impulse was to grab my camera bag, take out the little Sony, and chase the person to get a picture.  She passed within a couple of feet of me.  I got out the camera, and my eyes dropped to the ground ahead of me and I saw the beetle, upside down, dead, in the bright afternoon sunlight.  I choose the beetle for my picture.  I have wondered all through the afternoon why I chose the beetle instead of the person.  I don’t know why.  When I went back to the car in the afternoon, I looked for the beetle; and it was still there.  Nobody had accidentally or on-purpose stepped on it.  

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