QUITE LITERALLY, THERE IS MORE THAN A LITTLE BIT OF LONDON AT LAKE HAVASU CITY ON THE COLORADO RIVER IN THE ARIZONA DESERT. In 1971 the London Bridge on the Thames River was purchased for just over two million dollars by some people with a vision. The bridge was taken apart one stone at a time and moved to Arizona where it was put back together again at a cost of almost five million dollars. I expected not to be impressed, but I was. The reality of the London Bridge in the Arizona desert is so improbable and unexpected that it rises to a level in the imagination that defies any impulse to scorn.Ed has bought a house in Lake Havasu City and Randy and Lisa have opened a store there.Arizona's desert mountains make a perfect backdrop for the Colorado River which is remarkably peaceful after its rush through the Grand Canyon.
1 comment:
Your nom de plume should be the "peripatetic photographer."Your images continue to amaze...thanks
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