Knowing I'm always looking for an unusual image for my daily picture, my friends Terry and Janet told me where to find an interesting shattered window with sunlight streaming onto it.
MY FRIENDS KNOW I’m a bleeding-heart liberal eternally hopeful that good people in a democratic setting will always do the right thing; and, of course, that’s not the way the world is organized... with all of us imperfect people in it. This past week we all watched carefully what was happening in Egypt. It was interesting to watch and listen to how people of all political persuasions in America interpreted what was happening in Tahir Square in Cairo. I did a bit of thinking and writing... wondering about some of the people at the center of OUR REVOLUTION.
DID JAMES MADISON REALLY LOVE THE COUNTRY?Did James Madison really love the country
or just the idea of democracy?
The land and even the people,
what were they to him?
What did he know about homelessness
or bone aching poverty
out there on his country estate
where the people he owned,
had legal title to,
slaved in his fields and in his kitchen
while he wrote the Federalist Papers
and framed the Constitution
guaranteeing freedom
in the light of inalienable right
unless, of course,
it made no economic sense?
No point in letting high flown moral notions
and intellectually defensible ideas
get in the way of making an honest buck.

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