How could I not think about Egypt and the people there as I did my journal writing today... How could I not think of Emma Lazarus and her poem at the base of the Statue of Liberty... and how could I not be grateful today for the freedom to write and speak what I think about my country and its leaders with absolutely no fear of reprisal.. and how, indeed, could I not feel tremendous sadness when news came that Hosni Mubarak refused to leave his office in Cairo as the majority of his people are asking him to do. It has been reported that the Mubarak family has amassed a fortune of approximately 70 billion dollars, stolen from the country’s treasury when fifty percent of Egyptians live below the poverty level. Half of the people live on less than two dollars a day.
I was in Egypt five years ago; and I saw the poverty; but like most other tourists I was dazzled by King Tut’s gold and the awesome pyramids and the immutable Sphinx and most of all the beautiful Egyptian people. I was so much under the spell of Egypt’s distant past that I failed to notice the desperate present. What I hope for them today is what we have in my country... Democracy... their democracy, not one that is bought and paid for by America or any other country.

Well said, Jerral. But sadly from my various travels even democracy is not the panacea for so many other countries or their poverty. America is blessed by it's energy and risk taking.
All too true ..but perhaps after yesterday you can send those flowers.
Hope springs eternal...
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