LICHEN is a simple slow-growing plant that forms a crust-like, leaf-like, or branching growth on rocks or trees or buildings. In four photographs below are lichens growing on rocks near Alpine east of San Diego. I was going to say the photographs of lichens and trees have nothing to do with the poem; but, of course, that wouldn't be true. When I took the photographs, I was stunned all over again by their beauty and with their existence out there in a lonely, moist canyon. When I wrote the words of the poem, I was stunned all over again by the innocence of children that turns somehow into... well that fellow who killed people in Arizona and into Hitler and into the thousands of people who were willing to goose-step across Europe and Africa to his tune... and into all of us who know better but often don't do better. (This little bit of writing at the beginning of today's blog was put in Sunday morning after I read my e-mail and was asked what the pictures have to do with the poem.)
WITH ALL THIS BRIGHTNESSWith all this brightness in the world
it’s easy to find even in children
wisdom remarkable
regarding war and other atrocities...
isn’t it obvious what’s wrong
with killing people wholesale
even one at a time selectively
take for example old Adolf
shot himself finally
good riddance
in the bunker
meant to save him
what a waste of energy
when he might have been a potato farmer...
and they just keep coming
these madmen
who make tender love at midnight
glaze their hearts
yes and even eyes in daylight
not to see what evil they do...
but back to the question
with all this brightness in the world
Jesus why doesn’t someone invent
peace on earth
good will to men?

1 comment:
beautiful words...why can't there be peace on earth. Watching a John Lennon docu the other day, abut his bed in against the vietnam war, and he said, "I declare peace"
Seems so simple.
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