Of course, I understand that the woman, Teresa Lewis, age forty-one, had arranged for the murder of her husband and his stepson. I know... I know her offense was grievous, her crime horrible. I know... I know she should not have been allowed to go free in the world after she had plotted the death of two other people. I don’t need a lecture from eye-for-an-eye legalists to know that what she did was so wrong that she should not have expected mercy. It is not the death of the woman that unsettles me and makes me ashamed. It is the barbaric act of execution carried out by my countrymen that leaves me wondering why it was that Virginians and other Americans were horrified to learn that an Iranian court earlier this year had sentenced three women, one of whom was pregnant, to death by stoning.
Headlines in MAJOR NEWSPAPERS IN AMERICAN CITIES last month screamed, “Stoning to Death in Iran: A Crime Against Humanity Carried Out By the Mullahs’ Regime.” What will those same newspapers say tomorrow about the execution of Teresa Lewis in Virginia?

No surprise, I agree with you.
Hmmm....not sure I follow you on this one Jerral...
Murderer gets lethal injection and alleged adulteresses get stoned to death and you can't see the outrage..and the difference???
Gonna have to respectfully disagree with you on this one Jerral. Keep your opinions and pictures coming Jerral, after all it still is America we're entitled to freely speak our opinions right?
Danny P.
I appreciate your note. Someday remind me to tell you about a time when I was in Graduate School ... working as a guard at San Quentin, and I was required to be present at the execution of a guy named Richard Harmon... Gas Chamber... As you probably know, my concern is that killing another person does something to the killer... and executions are killings... and we, the "state" are the killers... I'm concerned about what it does to us.
I do, however, see what you mean; and it's a good, valid point. There is a vast difference between lethal injection and putting a person in a pit with her/his head above the sand and stoning 'til dead. Big difference...
"Lucas would have loved that one for sure. gracias amigo"
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