Do you ever have a feeling
that can’t be pinned down
and tacked to the cerebral
bulletin board... that some
thing is about to happen... is
going to take the whole world
by the nape of the neck, maybe
by body parts lower down and
when the shaking stops nothing
will ever be the same again?
Well, that’s not exactly what’s
happening and not exactly what
I’m feeling, but it comes close,
which is why the bulletin board
I came across today obviously
had to be my picture for the day.
What do you think they mean,
those people who seem to know
everything about everything and
then some additional stuff which
is all a mystery to me and perhaps
to most other reasonable people,
when they say god, or is it God
with a big G, has told them some
thing is about to happen... is
going to do something really big,
and they’re supposed to tell all
of us how to prepare for it?
Well, that’s not what it is either.
It’s only a big empty billboard,
well, not empty exactly because
there are bits and pieces of old
stuff peeling and showing parts
of earlier messages to the world
but it certainly got my attention
as I drove along El Cajon Blvd.
before I screeched to a full stop
and got the picture which is what
this writing was all about when
I started but now I’m not sure...
where it’s going.
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