Today's journal, like Washington, includes a little bit of everything... even a few panels from the Berlin Wall, now in the Newseum (Yep! It is spelled N-E-W-S-E-U-M, with emphasis, of course, on news.

President Obama seems to lack a quality of character that many of the people in the previous administration had in, pardon the expression, spades. He smiles; he frowns; he laughs; he listens. He doesn’t smirk.
Our President is bright, well-educated, and thoughtful... yet his character seems devoid of hubris. You’ll probably remember your high school English teacher wrote the word hubris on the blackboard when you read Shakespeare. She told you that Shakespeare was fascinated by the idea that hubris was the tragic flaw in otherwise noble characters.
George W. Bush in combat uniform climbing out of the Navy jet onto the deck of an aircraft carrier outside San Diego Harbor, claiming superiority and victory in June, 2003, near the beginning of a tragic conflict that isn’t over six years later.
Any press conference with Donald Rumsfeld and/or Dick Cheney explaining their views on anything.
Serena Williams, Kanye West, Or Joe Wilson... you fill in the blanks...

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