Yesterday Margaret and I arrived in Washington, D.C. almost in time for a demonstration on the Capitol Mall by folks who said they believe, among other things, that President Obama’s agenda is to bring socialism to America. Here are some of their expressions of concern:
Socialism: trickle up poverty (professionally printed signs)
Don’t Tread on Me (on yellow flags)
“Hell hath no fury like a taxpayer ignored” (Andrew Moylan, head of government affairs for the National Taxpayers Union)
“We own the dome!” (a chant by the crowd as they pointed to the capitol)
SOCIALISM (T-shirts and signs with President Obama made up to look like the Joker)
“You will not spend the money of our children and our grandchildren to feed an overstuffed government. Now a new generation of Patriots has emerged. You are those patriots.” (Rep. Tom Price (R-Georgia)
“Health care is not listed anywhere in the Constitution.” Brian Burnell
How Is That Hopey Changey Thing Workin’ Out for Ya? (Brian Burnell’s placard)
“You want socialism? Go to Russia!” Susan Clark’s message through her bullhorn
Socialism is Unamerican (Handmade sign)
King George Didn’t Listen Either (Handmade sign)
Terrorists won’t destroy America, Congress will (Handmade sign)
“Nobody’s standing up for us, so we have to stand up for ourselves.” Phil Chancey
“We’re all endangered. We’re all endangered because they’re pushing socialism on us.” Dave Rue
WE CAME UNARMED FROM MONTANA AND UTAH... THIS TIME (signs with AR-15 Assault rifle pictures carried by eight people from Salt Lake City)
“We want our country to go back to the roots of doing what our Founding Fathers wanted us to do-- less government in every aspect of my life.” Debbie Wilson from Florida
Thank You Joe Wilson (Professionally printed placards)
“We’re the forgotten people, and he has given us a voice.” Dee Meredith of Virginia said about Joe Wilson.
Liar! Liar! (Handpainted signs)
Blatant Disregard for the Constitution (Hand painted sign)
Preserve, Protect, Defend (Hand painted sign)
Then there was the sticker below plastered all over the place... I guess it's the one-size-fits-all sign... a deliberate enigma or just plain failure to understand?

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