Thursday, November 06, 2008


The status of marriages already contracted is unclear, but the Attorney General has said he assumes those already married will continue to be considered married. Of course, it is very discouraging when more than half the voters (barely more than half) actually voted to take away a civil right from a group of people. Bigotry and ignorance (I guess... how else can we explain it) are alive and well in California. The proponents of Proposition 8, mostly people connected with churches, people who should know better, were willing to believe blatant lies. They allowed themselves to be terrorized by people who were not ignorant, people who knew they were using lies to scare people. Ooops. I've gone on blathering my frustration.

I still believe we live in a great country and that this injustice like those earlier injustices against women, racial groups, religious communities and other minorities will end someday. It is such a great shame that some of the religioius groups and some of the racial groups that have themselves experienced discrimination are now themselves discriminating. I suggest we all reread Arthur Miller's "The Crucible."

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