Is being lost a matter of being without poetry, I wonder,
in the redemptive sense I mean like when the Pentecostals say
Brother you ought to be saved because you are lost
and God wants to save your soul whatever that is?
But one thing is for sure, and I don’t think the preachers themselves
know what the fine print says about life and salvation,
I have learned that spiritual security has a lot to do with poetry,
being able to talk it and sing it and write it and stick your tongue in it
whenever you feel like it which is pretty much most of the time
making it an addiction I guess or at least an obsession
but not so as anybody would notice or not in a clinical sense
which would bring psychiatrists running to poke their you-know-whats
into the matter and that would kill any chance of poetry surviving
in or on or around the organism in question which is me.
At least that was the case when I started out talking about being lost
and thinking right away about poetry which seemed to save me
...for the moment.
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