The moon full bright three days ago
is waning now,
audacious roundness brash and fresh
for just one day.
Under the same moon Alexander wept
and cursed the gods
the day Hesphastian died in foolish war,
pain and grief and loss of faith in oracles
who’d promised more.
This arrogant moon makes men mad
who look to it
for assurance life and love and fortune
are forever.
This rising full moon mocks each month
our transience.
Li Po leaped from his boat under the full moon
to capture it
reflected in the clear mirror lake beside
Yellow Crane Tower.
He’d had too much to drink they said;
I know better.
It was the beguiling moon that did it...
pulled him under.
And they said Alexander should have
been satisfied.
Wasn’t Roxanne enough for him?
How could he think
his life and love were different
from all others?
The arrogant moon moved not at all by bravery
or wine or love
goes on its journey round and round and round.
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