Thursday, December 18, 2014


Ah, humanity!
How I love the way you
scatter houses around on hillsides
The cottages are best,
nestled into the breast of earth.
Mansions and palaces
are another thing.
They can’t be comfortable anywhere.

Ah, humanity!
How I love the way you
plant trees one, two, three
here and there
and all along the roadways.
The giant oaks like thunderclouds,
dwarf everything else
in the fields and valleys of my memory.

Ah, humanity!
How I love the way you
honored the torrey pines and made a park
high above the shining sea
so Nancy and I could walk 
among them in an afternoon
and say the things a father
and daughter should say to each other.

Ah, humanity!
How I hate the way you
repent of your carelessness
only after it’s too late to save anything
but your own sunburned ego.
Mars and Earth
may someday have more in common
than their parent Sun.

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