Wednesday, March 12, 2014

What You See Is Not What You Get

Whoever said what you see is what you get
hasn’t looked lately at night blooming flowers
or a flock of outrageous birds of paradise.
Boldness isn’t necessary a virtue.
Didn’t you learn anything in seventh grade?

The way those tallest palm trees with the slender, slender trunks
rise up out of the earth with their heads held impossibly high
suggests the need to keep some things out of easy reach.
Hiding completely, being gone, is another thing.
What is there to admire in death?

Aunt Hulah always said there was something about Uncle Woodruff
that the rest of us wouldn’t understand even if she told us
and as far as I know she never told anybody what it was.
Some things are simply not meant to be shared.
Intimacy is sometimes the spoiler of love.

But love is necessary and intimacy is inevitable.
Only rarely is a crisp, clear thing itself
as interesting as its vague shape and form.
Picasso knew a thing or two
and tried to tell us.


Liz R. said...

Phenomenal pictures! Liz

Unknown said...

Love these words tonight, and they go great with your photos. And that bird of paradise is one of my favorite flowers.

Clyde said...

Some of your versions look like kissing flowers.