Thursday, March 13, 2014

This is a week for personal poetry and images turned into poetry.  Today the pictures are the Jimson Weed growing alongside a busy road near where I live... Where I live today surrounded by bitter-sweet remembering... this toxic flower which people insist on calling a weed... I made the kaleidoscopic images from single flowers knowing full well Georgia O'Keeffe would like them... and remembering the last few months of my Mother's tedious journey into the darkening cave of Alzheimers disease and my Father's death three decades before hers... and especially as tribute to my brilliant niece Lenda as she courageously inches toward the unbearable light,  I made the poem.


The fog of light
dense enough to slice
floods the room from the open door
surrounding the gauze figures
and familiar faces
outlining the frieze of hair
the silhouette of noses and chins

Dreams only
these people are only dreams
so temporary 
they evanesce
while I watch

Synergy of light
pulls everything together
stalls all motion
allows no shadows

Puppet people
with invisible strings of light
pulled from somewhere
I cannot see

Thin lines of light
outline the silhouettes
of the puppet people

Ghosts only
fading from the earth
while I watch in horror as my Mother
trembling on the edge of nothing
is absorbed by brightness

My Father comes and goes
the only movement in the mist
coaxing all of them to follow him

                   Muted colors from the past
frosted red
blue pushing through
the green of long ago springs
hide the true color of earth

The earth is green
The earth is blue
The earth is green-blue
The earth absorbs all light
The earth absorbs all


Sherry Root said...

Thank you, Jerral...simply beautiful. Sherry

Unknown said...

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful words that match those awesome manipulated photos. Just great Jerral.