Monday, March 17, 2014

Everybody who reads and otherwise pays attention to what’s happening in America and in the real world outside America has heard that in the economic scheme of things in our country the top 1% of citizens have/own/control/manage/ enjoy(?) 95% of the wealth of the nation.  We know that.  It is a reality. To think about it, to ponder it, to wonder at it is not at all the same kind of thing as thinking about, pondering, wondering about what has happened to a triple seven jet full of passengers. 

What I want to know is why the people who are most affected by the income/net worth disparity in America are not spurred into action.  Is it that they don’t care?  …or is it that they are hanging onto whatever financial lifeline they have so tightly and with such concentration that they don’t have time or energy to protest the unfairness of the system that exploits them.  Is it that they think some sort of divine right of kings commonly thought, especially in Medieval Europe, to be a god-established system which must operate in the world to ensure that HIS will is done (whatever the hell that means) has been transferred magically from some mythical Camelot into 21st Century America?  Is that it?  

Where is the official outrage? Shall we ordinary citizens simply accept that Congress, which is made up of an astoundingly large number of very, very rich people, is not likely to show much interest in developing legislation to address the inequality that financially cripples hundreds of thousands of Americans, leaving at least one-fifth of the children in the United States in poverty?

“We have created new idols.  The worship of the ancient golden calf has returned in a ruthless guise in the idolatry of money and the dictatorship of an impersonal economy lacking a truly human purpose”  —Pope Francis

1 comment:

G.G. said...

I am not a history major, but consider recent 'spurred into action peoples' rebellions: Russian revolution, China revelation. The rich were really whacked. Yeah, the people cared, but where is the wealth now in those countries?
I believe that wealth is concentrated in most countries (on this earth), not just in America. I think the 'lower classes' continually try to improve their situation in all areas, do look for and support leaders that promise to work for improving their life situation (Gandhi, Mandela, Obama). These leaders have had varying degrees of success reducing the pain described in your last paragraph, but the poor remain.
Food stamps, unemployment insurance, head start, Dodd-Frank home loans,
Head start, food stamps,unemployment insurance, birth control clinics, Dodd-Franks home loans and Obama care have all been legislated to meet your concerns.