Monday, March 31, 2014

Can’t show everything that caught my attention today... but I captured some of it with my camera.  Most of it I didn’t get, however; but it’s just as well. I wouldn’t know what to do with it if I got all of it.  How is it possible ever to get into a picture that amazing light that spreads  slowly over the world just after a heavy downpour when the darker clouds are breaking and lighter, whiter ones are beginning to peek out hinting that there is a great expanse of bright sky out there somewhere.  

Just after seven this morning, Tillie and I headed out in a light rain to get the paper.  The rain was falling from a heavy cloud cover, so our part of the world hadn’t brightened enough for easy photography.  Every morning this week on our walk out to the Comptche-Ukiah Road we’ve seen deer.  Yesterday we saw eight Well, maybe only six. I half suspect the last two we saw were two we had seen earlier half a mile back on the road. They may have dashed through the woods to get around in front of us again on down the road. This morning two jumped quickly into the forest when we came upon them grazing on wet spring grass beside a driveway.  I had my point-and-shoot camera ready in my pocket, but I wasn’t quick enough on the draw any day to get a picture.

I went out a few times during the day, mostly in those intervals when the rain let up, to give Tillie a chance to stretch and run. Dampness saturates all colors... not just the inside of the abalone shell I took from a pile of them discarded down by the old red house, but everything... even the dullest gray is exciting when it’s wet. The basic red corrugated siding of a shed by the red house becomes an abstract expressionist work of art.

Check out the little dragonfly…

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