Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Rear View Mirror...

The fact that I am a bleeding-heart liberal has something to do with my thoughts about Congressman Darrell Issa, one of San Diego County’s representatives in Washington.  In my admitted politically biased opinion Issa is a fraud who surely doesn’t actually believe in many of the causes he espouses. There is nothing wrong with his cognitive capabilities.  He got to be the very richest of the group of super-rich members of the House of Representatives by being smart and taking advantage of whatever and whomever he needed to manipulate to get to his high place as Chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. His oversight is as obviously biased as my feelings are about him.  He obviously relishes witch hunts and promotes conspiracy theories which he knows to be baseless and false. His latest supreme focus has been to discredit the Internal Revenue Service. He knows that for many Americans, especially for people who take great satisfaction in being among the people who have “made it,” the initials IRS provoke feelings of distain, even dread. There is no better place to start with a witch hunt than that. The witch hunt was on at the Capital Mall in Washington today where Tea Party folks flashing signs urging Congress to do away with the IRS.  It’s a sign of either dumbness or...  I was about to add one of half a dozen other nouns but they were all synonyms for dumbness.

Issa doesn’t fairly represent the middle group of Americans in his own San Diego county or in the country. He seems to believe that the bottom economic third of the people in our country exist mostly as lazy, free-loading loafers who believe they are entitled to be supported by people like him who have “made it.”  Where do these folks get the impression that poverty is self-imposed?  

Also looking back
instead of forward...

Trent Franks from Arizona is another congressman who is doing everything he can do to neutralize the safeguards for women put in place by Roe v. Wade in 1973.  Where have these people been for the past forty years and why do they want to go back to the middle of the 20th Century?

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