Thursday, October 25, 2012


I went out today to check the bark on some trees I’ve been seeing for some time from a distance.  The first one on the BLOG today is soothing, I need to find soothing images. I am weary from the possibility that a significant number of American voters are seriously considering voting for some of these bozos who can’t even recognize when they are contradicting each other and themselves... and doing damage to the very fabric of our culture.  Mostly, trees are benign and looking closely at them is soothing; but a few of those close to parking areas in Balboa Park have been assaulted and scarred.

My two-cents about significant ignorant declarations by some of the candidates running for high office:  Todd Akin, Richard Mourdock, and Paul Ryan have made clear that they will do everything they can do if they are elected to take away the right of American women to decide for themselves what to do about an unwanted pregnancy.  Mourdock waded into the fray declaring that if a woman gets pregnant from rape it’s God’s will and she should not consider abortion.  We learned a couple of weeks ago the unbelievably ignorant Akin declared that the female body has a natural way of keeping sperm from egg if a woman is the victim of what he called “legitimate” rape... so, not to worry.  Perhaps he is suggesting that if she got pregnant, she must have liked the experience. Republican Akin is a member of the House of Representatives from Missouri who is in a tight race for the Senate.  Mourdock, also a Republican and a Tea Party favorite, beat the moderate Indiana Senator Richard Lugar the Indiana primary, so he is his party’s candidate for the Senate.  Paul Ryan, a devout Roman Catholic, declares that he will work to overturn Roe vs. Wade  and make all abortions illegal if he is elected vice president of the United States.  These guys also say they want government to stay out of people’s lives.  These are the same people who don’t want regulations except, of course, the ones that they believe are imposed by God. They don’t want government to tell them they can’t buy and keep assault rifles, but they want the government to tell a woman she cannot abort a fetus under any circumstances, even if pregnancy is the result of incest or rape.

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