Saturday, September 17, 2011

We made a quick trip down to the tip of Sounion Peninsula to see the Temple of Poseidon. There were once two sanctuaries there, but now only the Sanctuary of Poseidon still exists. Built in the fifth century B.C., it lies within a fort that protected the coast of Attica. The Persians did a lot of damage here, destroying some marble kouros statues. We were here late in the day, and I squinted and imagined what the Temple must compound must have looked like to people standing below looking up or across on the hills looking across the bay. What in the world were those Persians thinking to want to take down such beauty. Oh, yeah. I probably won’t be able to figure that one out... the way I won’t be able to figure out why those people flew planes into the two towers in Lower Manhattan. My God, we are strange creatures!

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