Thursday, July 20, 2017

My walk today took me over to Parkview building at Paradise Village.  I am continuing the morning Walk each day with my friend Jim Fudge, and as we were walking out of the building there, this most exotic Hydrangia blossom was waiting for us.  Jim is trying to find reasons to be glad to be living at Parkview and this flower is a perfect reason for liking the place.

After lunch I went to Balboa Park for my volunteer job.  So many people were in the park today, I had to go to the farthest lot to find a slot for my car.  Walking up to the Museum of Photographic Arts, I passed by the Japanese Tea Garden.  Wow!  We are fortunate to live in a city with such beautiful places in it.  As I looked out over the garden, a Southwest Airlines plane flew in to land at Lindberg Field.  I was reminded that the world is a small place.  I can get anywhere in the world quickly from where I live.  Later I walked slowly through the Sebastiao Salgado Photo Exhibition where I saw the South American photographer's pictures of places in Africa and South America... and the United States and Canada, and I was reminded of a saying by Salgado, "Our planet still harbors vast and remote regions where nature reigns in silent and pristine majesty."  We can get to the places where he took the photographs, but some people who go there may not see what he sees through his camera's viewfinder. Learning to see is a lifelong task.

If you live near San Diego, go to MOPA in Balboa Park to see Salgado's Photographs...

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