Thursday, June 19, 2014

The little hummers have grown fast… ready to leave the nest soon.  It’s a scary but exciting world out there.  The mamma built the nest in a good, safe place. The crows can’t find the babies under the overhanging spider plants, and the cats in the neighborhood can’t reach them.  They are safe... for now.

Danya Gulentsov has been our little human hummer for a couple of very good weeks.  He will fly away back to Moscow and Smolensk next week… just about the time the hummingbirds are scheduled to try their wings.  With good parents... he is safe.

The California Brown Pelicans have been on the endangered species list since 1970…  Now they are back.  A few years ago it was a thrill to see even three of them flying above the shoreline.  Today there were eighteen flying in formation.  We have pelicans again.

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