Tuesday, February 04, 2014

Exaggerated Promise

It's the same dramatic ritual every morning...
The wren who visits my geraniums hopefully
searches among the bright red blossoms
and discovers all over again the simple truth
that brightness and exaggerated promise
seldom deliver anticipated satisfaction.

Apparently having learned nothing from me
she soon flies away frustrated to my neighbor's
exotic hanging garden where blue, yellow and yes
redder than blood orchids shout louder than roses
that they are always ready to deliver mosquitoes
and soft bellied caterpillars to anything that flies.

But orchids have little to offer except beauty
which is more than enough when the moon is full
and chicks have had their fill of fat worms
but hunger is huge when a blazing sun is rising
so somewhere in the great green wet promise
there must be something to take home for lunch.

An energetic hummingbird in my neighborhood 
settles for a decidedly unspectacular sure thing.
The tiny green blur whizzes instantly onto my porch
to sit at the plastic feeder that I fill with sugar water
apparently caring not at all what color his food is.

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