IT'S WHAT'S ON THE INSIDE THAT MATTERS... Well, not altogether. In the evolutionary great scheme of things the outside is obviously also very important. Take the orange with its beautiful, tough skin, for example. A tough outside provides protection for the seeds. Yesterday I wrote about how that papaya we had for breakfast at our house ignited my imagination and set me thinking how marvelous it is that living things evolved over millions of years in such a way that future generations are assured a start at least on our planet. Today the orange I ate for breakfast had no seeds... not one; so that set me thinking about how much I like the convenience of seedless oranges but that designer living things may not be such a good idea. Of course, I know making a seedless orange doesn't mean we are in danger of dooming oranges to extinction; but extinction of living things on this planet is a distinct possibility. After all, avoiding the consequence of uncontrolled proliferation of nuclear weapons is what the START TREATY is all about. I still can't believe the Republicans in Congress considered even for moment not ratifying that treaty... but that's another subject and could easily get me sidetracked off the subject of seedless oranges.
By the way, the orange was delicious... fragrant and sweet. Are seedless oranges tastier than oranges with seeds... or is it just the inconvenience of seeds that's the problem? Is it a matter of tidiness or sanitation? I remember eating oranges with seeds, and it's true that unless you have something into which you spit the seeds, they wind up in your hand or on the ground.
I'll give it some more thought.

Only you can weave a story from oranges to Nukes and back to oranges again and make it make sense.
And the photos, my mouth spontaneously watered when I saw the first one.
The Orange has a beautiful color....and knows itself as orange.
White folks don't respect their color and refuse to call themselves white.....instead preferring nothing...whites are quick to call others by their color....
And who by the way came up with the terms first world, third world???crazy......
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