Picture for the Day: The picture for the day was taken yesterday just before midnight, but I’m counting it for today because I like it so much. From the deck of the ship I could see way off in the distance some mountains that looked more like dream mountains or story-book mountains than real ones; but I aimed and shot, expecting not much because they were so far away. The excitement I felt when I saw the picture on the computer was a little like the excitement I used to feel when I could see a picture coming up in the developing tray in the darkroom. Wow! I doesn’t matter to me if nobody else is wowed by the picture. I like what it does for me.

Blog 02, 3. 4: Lofotveggen is a small, remote fishing village that is in the process of being transformed into a quaint resort for the rich and famous. Old fishing village houses have been completely redone on the inside so that each one is a room or a suite in a fancy hotel. The setting is incredibly beautiful. The air is a little fishy because thousands of filleted cod fish are hanging out to dry all around the town just as they have been dried for centuries. At this time of year, the fish is dry and less pungent; but I can imagine what it must be like when they are first gutted and hung up on the open-air racks. The place reminds me of those little Colorado and Idaho towns that were metamorphosed in a single decade into ritzy vacation destinations. A statue of a striding woman guards the entrance to Lofotveggan harbor. I don’t know the story, but there surely is one. I’ll try to fine out what it is.

The town of Tromsø, with a population of 63,000 is the capital of Arctic Norway. A guidebook says it is known as “the Paris of the North.” Frankly, I don’t see it. It’s a nice town, but even an impressive tower probably wouldn’t convince me. The citizens here seem real. They look as if they could survive fierce winters.

I think the reason flowers and vegetables and will grow so big here is that they have this long period of 24-hour sunshine. Dandelion flowers and profuse and very big.

The town of Tromsø, with a population of 63,000 is the capital of Arctic Norway. A guidebook says it is known as “the Paris of the North.” Frankly, I don’t see it. It’s a nice town, but even an impressive tower probably wouldn’t convince me. The citizens here seem real. They look as if they could survive fierce winters.