The blue-eyed child asked,
"What is time, what is old,
when was yesterday,
Can we go now to tomorrow?
"What makes time," he asked
"Who pays for it?
Does it keep on coming or
is it going... like the river?
What's the difference between
will be and has been,
between next and was?"
“Time is only now, only now,
and yesterday was when
we wanted to go now to tomorrow
or be back in the day before.
In a little while
the time will come when
after all later and then
before that soon
Forever and by and by
ever after sooner or later
then love"

"After awhile," they said..”

1 comment:
Take time: So beautiful, so special! It means a lot to me. Thank you, Jarrel, for this beautiful poem. Ine
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