The mother screamed, "You fucking idiot, John. Where the f--k have you been, you stupid, f---ing bastard?" She yelled in his face, "We f---ing told him we'd be there at f---ing ten, and now he f---ing won't have waited for us. You know you're f---ing useless." And she hit him. She hit him hard. She seemed to have been aiming for his face; but he was taller, so her blows stuck him hard across the shoulder and chest. He simply moved his face away and didn't raise his arm or hand to stop her. He backed away from her and sat in obvious despair on a cement table. She sat on the bench looking away from him and continued to rant. Then she stormed away.
When I downloaded the images from my camera, I saw the emotion in his hands and in his face; and I remembered the old cliche about a picture being worth a thousand words. It is his despair more than her anger that the camera caught... and the seeming response of the trees and shrubs around them. It was as if all of nature was screaming.

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