I walked under the yellow sun to the trolley station and stood behind the words at the yellow band that read "Stand behind the line." On the trolley I sat across from a woman wearing a yellow shirt who asked, "What's the yellow band for," pointing to my Lance Armstrong "LIVESTRONG" bracelet. A guy wearing a Quicksilver shirt got on at the next stop.
All day long I saw yellow everywhere, and it was wonderful. I saw the yellow stripes on the street and yellow fire plugs. I saw the last yellow leaves on poplar trees. I remembered Guy's yellow motorcycle.
I googled “yellow” and found out all kinds of things about it. The color is dedicated to Mercury and to the Sun. It is associated with quicksilver and gold. Yellow corresponds to the hexagon. It’s the color of priests in some Burmese, Buddhist, and Brahmin traditions. It is the Chinese color of imperial dignity. Yellow was the color of the star the Nazis forced the Jews to wear. It is the Egyptian color of the East. The color was worn by Spanish executioners to signify treason. It was the color of the Inquisition (Why is it necessary to capitalize that word?). In Mayan tradition, yellow influences the belly. It is a color associated with Judas Iscariot. It gives “a warm and pleasant impression” according to Goethe. Traditionally, bankrupts in 17the-century France had their property daubed in yellow paint. Kandinsky claimed it was impossible to have dark yellow.

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