Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Orchids… the symbol for events that have been successful.  Overall, for me the year ending today has been an orchid year.  Naming the “good stuff” of the year would take too much time and space.  Forget my ranting and raving about conditions that I wouldn’t, couldn’t have planned in 2013. Focus on all the good that happened last year; and going into the New Year, gird your loins.  

After typing that last phrase, I thought I’d better check the dictionary to see if it means what I’ve always thought it means. It’s an ancient saying, particularly in the Biblical Middle East, suggesting that it’s a good idea to gather up any part of a long garment and tuck it in before going for a walk or run to prevent tripping and falling.  That’s exactly what I had in mind.  Peace.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I needed that! We all needed that!