Friday, November 08, 2013

on another fantastic day in San Diego

5:30 this morning... on my way back home from taking friends to the airport, I stopped to capture the beginning of the day.  The image above is an iPhone photograph. The one below was taken with the little Sony point and shoot...  What a time this is when phones and little cameras can manage to get good picture in low light.  With a start like this, I'll continue through the day in AWE of everything.

 I went back and found the picture below that I took in 2009 on another early morning run to the airport... with the dramatically more expensive Nikon D2X.  I keep wondering... what next?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

All taken from the same vantage point? It's amazing the capability we have to photograph things. And yes, looks like a great beginning to a day in your space.