Wednesday, March 07, 2012

I went back to the bougainvillea fence at the Spanish Village where I got a picture several months ago. I went to see if the dry, gray vines are bursting out of winter into spring. Yep! They are.
Now... on to another subject... and then I'm going to RUSH away from the incident that has sucked far too much oxygen out of radio and television air time... But for now, one last blast:

Unfortunately in the political climate of 2012 women will continue to be targets... and unfortunately, the men who target women often have on their side a host of women indoctrinated by the folks who catechized them to believe that the natural order of things includes subjugation of females to males.

In spite of clear evidence that women do most of the practical work of nurturing and strengthening the institutions that represent any contemporary culture in any age and ultimately move the culture along from one generation to the next, males continue to insist that everything is held together because of whatever it is that men do. If a male is perceived to be avoiding his role as lord and master in whatever is considered his rightful domain, he is said to be effeminate, a sissy, a woman, or (the ultimate put-down) a weak sister. The person who “wears the britches,” is the person in charge, the one with ultimate, final authority; so when a woman presumes to be the authority, she is said to “wear the britches.”

We have a long way to go in our country to get to a time when men like Rush Limbaugh are drummed off their soap boxes early in their “careers.” It should be an embarrassment to every conservative woman and man in America that they supported his outrageous radio misogyny to the tune of about $50 million dollars a year for as long as they have done. I expect that he will go right back to doing what he has done for years, and sadly most of the people who listened and encouraged and paid him will continue to celebrate his outrage. The reason progressive Americans can’t be held accountable for his nonsense is that they don’t listen to him.


Anonymous said...

From the time that I heard a brief barrage of his outrageous behavior, I have distained to listen to him. Should we abuse our ears of such garbage? What can sane people like us do? He needs to be shut up, but as he said, those who have stopped supporting the show will be replaced by many others. Is there no shame in our country?
Keep up your talk against people like him. It is worth it.

ML said...

Hear! Hear!

As usual you hit the nail on the head.He is so discusting that I can't tolerate anything he does.

Sadly far too many sponsors do not have the guts to withdraw thier sponsorship due to his huge audience.

RThank you

Anonymous said...

what a thoughtful commentary. I personally would like to get Rush in a dark alley and cut his tongue out so he can't ever again go into one of his vitriolic tirades. It would be interesting to note if Vasectomies are covered under insurance plans. Is that not a contraceptive method??? Believe Viagra was paid for when it came on the market while female birth control pills were not. The double standard alive and well. Jean

Anonymous said...

Hear! Hear!

As usual you hit the nail on the head.He is so discusting that I can't tolerate anything he does.

Sadly far too many sponsors do not have the guts to withdraw thier sponsorship due to his huge audience.

RThank you