What Has Japan Got Up It’s Sleeve Now?
Important! Important!
***Nikon USA Club Registration***
Please fill out and return within the next 10 days.
Thank God...I have finally been welcomed into the Nikon Family
after having bought over many years more than a dozen cameras,
many lenses and a wide and wild assortment of accessories
to feed my fascination with photography
and perhaps my addiction to all things photographic.
Other times I have filled out the card
and other times I have been welcomed into the club,
but this is the first time I’ve been offered the family,
and Nikon wants to know...and I want to know
What are the privileges of membership?
After each significant purchase
Nikon wants to know from whom I made the purchase
and if I have just purchased a 35 mm camera,
is it the first purchase of this type, yes or no?
Am I a beginner, amateur, serious amateur or professional
they want to know, check one.
Was I most influenced by the dealer recommendation,
(Shall I say the salesperson was devastatingly attractive?)
or was it a professional recommendation, TV ads,
Dealer Ads, friend’s recommendation, magazine article;
all of this they want to know because I am a member of the Nikon family.
But what are the privileges of membership?
Check one!
Will this product be used primarily for commercial, industrial or government What?
Will it be utilized in scientific or medical what? Or photo journalism;
or will it be a creative hobby or family travel or sports outdoors?
And, for god’s sake, why do they want to know
which water sports I or my family enjoy?
Scuba diving, wind surfing, going to the ocean,
para-sailing, snorkeling, whitewater rafting,
canoeing/kayaking, swimming or surfing?
Does this have something to do with the privileges of membership?
And how did I pay for this product? Check one!
Cash, personal check, credit card (AMEX, Visa, Mc),
store credit card, store finance or other?
Would it matter if I said the attractive salesperson
took a liking to me and made a gift to me of the product?
And item twelve, the request for date of birth;
when they learn I am old, will they love me less?
And my marital status, what about that?
Married, divorced/separated, widowed, single/never married?
Does all this relate in some way to the privileges of membership?
Will having been married for half a century raise or lower my status?
My occupation is important to Nikon.
Am I a homemaker, professional/technical, executive/administrator,
middle management, sales/marketing, clerical, craftsworker,
machine opertor/laborer, service worker, retired, student,
or self employed/business owner? Check one!
And what are the ages of all children living at home?
Shall I tell them I wouldn’t mind if they were but they’re not?
And they want to know my income.
Is it under fifteen thousand, between fifteen and nineteen,
twenty and twenty four nine hundred and ninety nine
all the way up to one hundred thousand and over?
I think we are getting here to the privileges of membership. Check one!
And check one again!
Which of the following do I use regularly?
American Express, Diners Club, Carte Blanche,
Bank credit card (MasterCard, Visa),
Gas. Department store, etc. credit card(s).
airline club/frequent flyer program,
or none of the above?
And for my primary residence, do I:
own a house, rent a house, rent an apartment,
own a townhouse or condominium?
They want to know, these fellow Nikon Family Club members.
All of this is related surely to the privileges of membership.
And to help them understand my lifestyle,
they ask that I indicate the interests and activities
in which I or my spouse enjoy on a regular basis.
Is it, check one, bicycle touring/racing, golf, physical fitness/exercise,
running/jogging, snow skiing frequently, tennis frequently,
bowling, camping/hiking, fishing frequently,
hunting/shooting, power boating, sailing,
crafts, crossword puzzles, grandchildren,
needlework/knitting, outdoor gardening,
sewing, walking for health, automotive work,
electronics, home workshop/do it myself,
motorcycles, recreational vehicles,
stereo, records/tapes/discs,
avid book reading, Bible, devotional reading,
current affairs/politics, health foods/vitamins,
house plants, photography, attend cultural/arts events,
charities/volunteer activities, fashion clothing,
fine art/antiques, foreign travel,
gourmet cooking/fine foods, wines,
coin/stamp collecting, collebtibles/collections,
Our nation’s heritage, real estate investments,
stock/bond investments, veterans benefits/programs,
entering sweepstakes, home video games,
household pets (cats, dogs, etc.)
money making opportunities, science fiction,
wildlife/environment issues, career oriented activities,
personal/home computers, science/new technology,
self improvement, VCR/DVD recording/viewing, watching cable TV,
watching sports on TV or NONE OF THE ABOVE?
What about blogging? Shall I tell them I’m a blogger?
They didn’t ask! Is there something wrong with blogging?
And then if, after all, I would prefer not to participate in this opportunity
to enjoy the privileges of membership in the Nikon Family,
I may choose to check one lonely little box at the bottom of the page.