Friday, August 11, 2017

This afternoon Margaret and I went over to Parkview Memory Care Center to see about our friend Jim.  He fell this morning and hurt his arm.  He will take some time for healing, but we didn't stay to talk with him because we could see him in the dining room in an animated conversation with a friend.  It's important not to interrupt that kind of thing, so we slipped out without being seen.  The Hibiscus shrubs are in full bloom.  I know these photographs look exactly like those I posted earlier, but each is different from all others.  They remind me of the way we human beings are made.  I couldn't resist editing the yellow into purple for that one Blossom.  Thor joined us while we waited for the attendant to change Jim's bandages.

The new Park is finished and is finally open to residents.  Tomorrow when Jim and I go for a walk, we'll take our coffee to the gazebo where new furniture has been installed.

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