Sunday, August 27, 2017

Crepe Myrtle blooms all over the country, and it is especially beautiful in San Diego.  Someone commented to me this morning that she likes the flower photographs of this BLOG, and I looked up and just in front of us were a couple of Crepe Myrtle trees standing... So I took the picture.  Another photograph that I got this week at The Davids' house was of a Water Lily just beginning to open.  I thought that later I'd go back and get a picture of the flower completely open, but I didn't get back and, looking at the photograph I got, I thought the partial opening was not only sufficient, but perhaps more beautiful than it would have been a couple of days later.

I've been doing other writing, mostly about the inept president of my country, but I'll keep that stuff in my private file.  Sometimes it gets to be more than I can bear to keep in the file, and it comes jumping out.  Perhaps later.

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