Sunday, February 12, 2017

Margaret and I have developed a pattern of going by Wendy's after church on Sunday.  Today I saw and wondered about two shoes that were left on a wall.  I guess I have a fascination with shoes abandoned, and these were in a place where the person who left them probably had no intention of coming back for them.  There is a story here, and I will never know what it is.  The shoes may have been left here after a new pair was purchased, maybe across at the shopping mall on the other side of the 8 Freeway... or maybe these well-worn shoes had begun to hurt the feet of the person who left them and he just said "to hell with them" and left them on the wall.  Maybe the person who left them hoped someone who needed shoes, even well-worn ones, would see them and be glad to find a pair...  The shoe laces look new, definitely newer than the basic shoes themselves... another mystery.  Ah, well.  Next week after church I'll check to see if they are still there.

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