Saturday, December 10, 2016

A Christmas Flower (San Diego) style.  The daily high temperature is not mid- to upper-60s... Not exactly Christmas like for most of the country, but it's the charm of San Diego and National City and Chula Vista... and Tijuana and other  parts of Mexico just to the south of us.

Of course, the people who read this BLOG know that what I'm really doing is finding ways and reasons not to talk about the political situation, but that unfortunate subject will not go away.  President-elect Trump is more worrisome as the time comes for him to shed the president-elect part of his title, and he will become President indeed.  The country, and indeed the world, is trying to figure out what the U.S. will become when he is President. I am trying-hoping to find at least some reason to be optimistic, but every day as his appointments to offices for his administration are becoming known I am becoming less hopeful.

So... I resort to finding beauty in the world around me, and the flowers are here.


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