Saturday, November 28, 2015

Mourning Doves

Two dozen mourning doves
flocked to my front yard
for God knows what reason 
yesterday and the day before.
There they were when I went out 
to pick up the morning paper.
But today they were gone,
which leaves me wondering
what the attraction could have been.
And why did they come in a flock
and not in pairs or three at a time
which is the way I’ve seen them
on a hot summer afternoon
scratching around in the street?
And they were absolutely silent
except for the fluttering of wings.

All the time I was growing up
I thought they were morning doves…
like when I heard Marian Anderson sing
My Lord What a Mourning.
I thought she was singing
My Lord What a Morning.
That I had it wrong for so long
has left an uneasiness I can’t explain.

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