Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Usually I post half a dozen or more photographs in the daily BLOG post.  Today I'm celebrating with just one important portrait of a dedicated mother.  Last week I thought I had inadvertently destroyed a little humming bird's nest.  I didn't know it was there and discovered it only after I had sprayed water all over my hanging ivy where she had built her nest.  The bird and her nest, no more than two inches in diameter, are tiny.

She's not giving up.  She was on the nest the next morning after the deluge; and except for forays to feed, she has been sitting on her two eggs all day and night. I used a long lens to get today's picture.  I definitely don't want to scare her away.  I can see her from where I sit typing this note. I'm in love.


Anonymous said...

You're so funny. I celebrate with you!
Ben B.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic! Lucky you.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for the babies!

Anonymous said...

Isn't she just beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Nice saga #2 about the hummingbird and nest. I'm looking forward to the new babies.
Helen T.

Anonymous said...

What a fitting homage to mothers day.

Anonymous said...

That bird is so cute it's almost unreal looking--like a painting.

Anonymous said...

I love that picture, how fortunate you are to have these wonderful miniature birds nesting in your garden but again knowing how kind , considerate and gentle you are it is no surprise that even hummingbirds want to be close to you. One finds comfort and protection in your presence. You are a good man Jerral.

Anonymous said...

very cool...hope the little guys hatch!

Jean said...

Please send a picture when she "gives birth" to thos two eggs. Jean