Thursday, February 07, 2013

Cruising around San Diego on my bicycle, it’s easy to know how it might feel to be a centaur; and gliding down into the valley on Texas Street or Bachman Street, it’s natural to think about what it might be like to fly, not just in a plane, but really fly... on my own.  If by come kind of magic I could choose to be a bird, I’d be tempted to go with the flock of parrots in Ocean Beach or to join the crows that fly in a great flock from west to east over Mission Valley.  I’ve decided, however,  I’d probably choose to hang out with the pelicans.  Parrots squawk and must become annoying even to each other.  Crows are smart, but they lack dignity.  That’s what Pelicans have... dignity; and they know where and how to fish and perhaps best of all the best places to hang out and rest. Yep, I’d go with the Pelicans.


Jerral Miles said...

Pelicans...a good choice. Myself, I think I will have to go with the Red Tail Hawk. On my solo hang gliding flight from a mountain in Santa Barbara c. 2985 there was a Red Tail flying
just below me during the first part of my flight and my heart took wings as well. We often saw Red Tails on the training hill when I was going through instruction to learn to fly. Foot launch
and foot landing hang gliding is the closest thing we have to natural flight today. By the way I had not flown since 1988 but went tandem on my 75th birthday last year at a place near
Disney World in the Orlando area. You could probably find a place in San Diego and go tandem. It is a wonderful experience and I recommend it.


Anonymous said...

"Pelicans, which we have in great numbers all around Lake Ponchartrain, know to a second how to ride the lifts of air along the Causeway. They seem to ride the riffs of air propelled in front of cars along the rails of the causeway, always looking for fish...they are pretty fierce birds you know that as they feature on the state flag of Louisiana, it is a mother pelican, tearing her own breast to feed her three young ones with her own state law, the drops of blood must be displayed..NO KIDDING! they are very graceful in flight, but perched, or diving, they seemed more like jet propelled, or ungainlyBut when they are cruising..what a sight!"

Anonymous said...

I am in total pelican agreement on that one Jerral..

Anonymous said...

If anybody can. The peli. Can.

Anonymous said...

Very well said. I would go with the pelicans, too.