Tuesday, May 08, 2012

That bit about religion on yesterday’s BLOG post wasn’t a rant... Simmering still are some special concerns/frustrations/aggravations-to-the-point-of-having-to-think-things-through-that-are-going-on-in-the-world-that-I-share-with-more-than-three-billion-other-people. My head is an old crock pot where stuff stews sometimes for days. 
But today... Let's ring the bells for Maurice Sendak...

I’m taking time out today from thinking about the United (not) Methodist Church’s most recent vote to continue condemnation and exclusion of LGBT persons. Today I’m celebrating the life of Maurice Sendak who died today at age 83. He was someone who recognized that life, even childhood, can have a dark side. If you haven’t read Where Wild theThings Are, go out and buy yourself a copy or go to the nearest library or to a friend who has children and borrow one and read it all the way through... with an open mind... and an open heart. If you haven’t met Max, the boy in the book, you need to know him... You may recognize that you are Max.  Max is sent to bed without supper; and when he lies in his bed, he goes on a journey--something of a rampage (You can call it a rant if you want want)-- through his imagination.  Max is obviously an important Everyman/Everyperson in the great body of world literature.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jerral, our Detroit conference voted the same....our ministers are so sad, despondent, really.. My son-in-law feels he can no longer support the Methodist church, but I cannot abandon the hard-working, determined people in our congregation who designed our welcoming statement and ARE sincerely welcoming. What is it? Fear?
We, too, celebrate Maurice Sendak.